Mitie Group plc
Annual Report and Accounts 2022
Culture at Mitie
Mitie is a people business, offering facilities
management services that are driven by Mitie
colleagues. Mitie’s vision is to be the destination
employer in the facilities management industry,
creating a ‘Great place to work’, and a truly
inclusive culture where our people are supported
to achieve their potential. Further detail can be
found in the People section on pages 37 to 40.
All Directors lead by example and promote the
desired culture.
Alignment of remuneration
and culture
Successful people and organisations are clear
about what they want to achieve, how they are
going to get there and their progress along the
way. The annual employee appraisal (MiReview)
process allows Mitie to set SMART objectives in
areas that really add value to the business, build
development plans that help colleagues achieve
their objectives and personal development goals,
and ensure pay reviews are carried out in a
transparent way, related directly to individual
Details on Mitie’s approach to investing in and
rewarding its workforce are set out on pages 37
to 40 and Mitie’s Real Living Wage commitment
on page 37.
Mitie is committed to promoting diversity
and equality, eliminating discrimination and
encouraging inclusivity among colleagues.
All colleagues are required to adhere to Mitie’s
key ethics and compliance policies, which include
the Employee Handbook, Ethical Business
Practice Policy, People Policy and Inclusion Policy.
Colleagues are encouraged to report any
behaviours that they believe do not comply with
the policies or do not meet the standards of
conduct expected at Mitie. Channels for raising
any such concerns include Mitie’s independent
whistleblowing service, line managers, People
Support or directly with the Chief Executive via
email to Grill Phil. Mitie’s award-winning conscious
inclusion development campaign, Count Me In,
is available to all colleagues and continued
throughout FY22. During the year, a new
module ‘Inclusive Leader’ was incorporated into
Mitie’s Licence to Lead programme. The new
module explores what inclusivity is, and why it is
important in leadership and identifies practical
steps leaders can take to create an inclusive
culture. Further details on Mitie’s Count Me In
programme can be found on page 39.
CMA Investigation
As announced on 4 March 2022, the
Competition and Markets Authority (CMA)
launched an investigation into the participation
by Mitie, Mitie Care and Custody Limited and
PAE Incorporated in the ongoing procurement
processes run by the UK Government (Home
Office) for the contracts to supply certain
services at Heathrow and Derwentside
Immigration Removal Centres (IRC) in the UK.
Mitie withdrew from the Derwentside IRC
tender process, without submitting a bid, due
to the Home Office’s ‘lotting’ conditions, which
would have prevented a single bidder from
winning both contracts. Mitie confirms that
it remains engaged in the Heathrow IRC
tender process, through Mitie Care and
Custody Limited.
Mitie strongly condemns anti-competitive
practices and is co-operating fully with the CMA
and the investigation. Mitie is confident that it has
no case to answer and will be fully exonerated.
How the Board assesses and
monitors culture
Mitie’s core values help define the behaviours
of its people and underpin its vision of The
Exceptional, Every Day. An important element of
Mitie’s culture is establishing a ‘One Mitie’ way of
operating across the business. The ‘One Mitie’
way leads to consistent, high-quality and relevant
information flows across the business.
These information flows, together with direct
engagement from each business, are key to the
Board’s oversight of cultural matters. Mitie also
measures several non-financial KPIs such as staff
turnover, employee engagement, Net Promoter
Score and lost time injury frequency rate, which
allow trends and changes to be identified and
In March 2022, all Board members attended
an in-person Town Hall event to speak to
employees face to face. Jennifer Duvalier, Mitie’s
designated Non-Executive Director responsible
for workforce engagement, also undertook a full
programme of in-person and virtual employee
listening sessions throughout the year. Further
details of Jennifer’s role and activities can be
found on pages 98 to 99.
Several all-employee virtual events were also
hosted throughout the year by the Executive
Directors and members of the MGX, some of
which were also attended by Non-Executive
Directors. Virtual events held included the ability
for employees to ask questions of management
via a chat box (anonymously if preferred). Details
of Team Talk Live 2021, Mitie’s virtual employee
engagement festival of events, can be found on
page 38.
Set out below are further examples of how the
Board monitors culture:
Mitie has an independent whistleblowing service,
‘Speak Up’, to enable employees, customers,
suppliers and third parties to report any concerns
or wrongdoing anonymously without any fear of
retaliation. During FY22, the Group moved to
a whistleblowing service platform, EthicsPoint
which is managed by an independent third-party
service provider, Navex Global. The service can
be accessed via a freephone hotline number and
a web portal, details of which are made available
to employees in multiple languages via workplace
posters, our Employee Handbook, Intranet
and MitiePeople.com. The service can also be
accessed by customer and supplier personnel as
well as members of the public with details being
provided via www.mitie.com.
The whistleblowing service and related internal
procedures are structured to ensure that
all reports are reviewed and investigated
independently from the area of the business to
which they relate, thereby minimising the risk
of conflicts arising. All reports are copied to
and reviewed by a central Whistleblowing
Investigation Group which includes Deputy
General Counsel and senior members of the
Group’s Internal Audit function. This helps to
ensure transparency and enables any trends to
be identified and addressed.
An update on whistleblowing activity is provided
to the Board at every Board meeting and to the
MGX as appropriate. The update to the Board
includes details of incident reports received in
the period between meetings as well as details
of ongoing investigations. The introduction of
EthicsPoint has provided improved reporting
capabilities, including the ability to report by
business division and by investigation status/
outcome. This improved functionality enhances
the Board’s ability to effectively track the
progress of investigations and to monitor and
address trends across individual business units
and the Group as a whole.
The health and safety of its people is the highest
priority for Mitie as a business. Mitie is constantly
striving to develop a zero-harm workplace.
Coordinated by Mitie’s QHSE team, the LiveSafe
programme was launched in December 2018.
This highlights the importance of workplace
safety and was developed out of the need to
constantly improve QHSE performance across
the business.
During FY22, the Board was updated on Mitie’s
first ‘LiveSafe Zero Harm Week’ which involved
QHSE leaders from across the business taking to
the virtual stage to highlight QHSE focus areas,
including mental health, wellbeing, environmental
compliance and fleet safety. Mitie colleagues
were invited to get involved by joining events
and sharing safety stories.
Colleagues’ perception of workplace safety
at Mitie is high, with four in five colleagues
who responded to Mitie’s annual employee
engagement survey agreeing that it is important
at Mitie.
A non-financial QHSE KPI is included in the
Group’s reporting: the lost time injury frequency
rate (read more on page 18).
Culture at Mitie is underpinned by its purpose: Our expertise, care,
technology and insight create amazing work environments, helping our
customers be exceptional, every day.